
Rhs Fruit And Vegetable Gardening

As hard as we work to ensure that our gardens are reaching their full blossoming potential, we will always be up against a line-up of pests that find our flora as tasty as we do beautiful.

So, to make sure we are aware of the latest pests to crawl and creep their way through our borders, the Royal Horticultural Society have rounded up their top 10, based on enquiries from gardeners in 2016.

We've added some helpful tips on how to combat them...

1. Slugs and snails

The top pests in the country are slugs and snails. They are widespread, persistent and can cause real damage in the garden. Their worst offence is eating holes in leaves, flowers, stems and bulbs. The plants most at risk are new spring herbaceous plants as seedlings can be killed, though slugs and snails are a threat all year round. Follow our guide on natural ways to banish slugs from your garden.

2. Vine weevil

This insect pest is the bane of plants grown in containers. Their grubs feed on roots causing the plant to die. The vine weevil can infest many plants, with the adult insect eating their leaves. To get rid of these garden pests in a non-chemical way, pick the adults off on mild spring and summer evenings by torchlight. To collect more, shake shrubs over an upside down umbrella or newspaper. You can also trap adults with sticky barriers around pots and encourage their natural predators into your garden, including birds, frogs, shrews and hedgehogs.

3. Fuchsia gall mite

As the name reveals, these mites affect fuchsia plants by distorting the young shoot tips, which discolour to a yellowish green or red. Areas in southern England are most affected by these pests, who are most active between May to September. To remove this bug, cut-off infested shoot tips.

4. Glasshouse thrips

These small insects are a scourge on many greenhouse plants and some shielded outdoor varieties. The thrips suck sap from the plants, resulting in pale mottling and brown marks on the leaf surface. Active all year round in greenhouses, these pests are in their prime from April to September. A natural way to remove thrips is to hang sticky blue sheets among the plants that will trap the insects.

5. Woolly aphid

Apple trees are the woolly aphid's favourite as they love to suck the tree's sap. They hide under white fluff on trunks and branches and also affect pyracantha and Cotoneaster horizontalis. To control an infestation on smaller trees, you can scrub the aphid colonies with a stiff-bristled brush. Catching it early is beneficial before it spreads. It is also wise to encourage their natural enemies such as some ladybirds, lacewings and hoverfly larvae.

Woolly aphid on branch
Woolly aphids

Nigel Cattlin/Visuals Unlimited, Inc. Getty Images

6. Tortrix moths

Causing most damage from April to September, these moth caterpillars affect a variety of plants. Their caterpillars feed inside sheltered structures of bound leaves, from the pest's silky thread. To control this pest, crush the bound leaves to kill the hidden caterpillars and pupae. You could also use a pheromone trap to reduce numbers.

7. Box tree moth

Quite a new pest to Britain, box tree caterpillars feed within webbing and can completely destroy all of the foliage on box plants. They are a relatively new insect to Britain and are in their prime from April to October. To stop the damage, remove the caterpillars by hand.

Box Tree Moth caterpillar on leaf
Box Tree Moth caterpillar

ott ott Getty Images

8. Rosemary beetle larvae

The rosemary beetle larvae and adults feed on the foliage of rosemary, sage, lavender, thyme and other similar plants. When you spot the eaten foliage it's a sign these pests are active. They are most active from August to April. The best natural way to diminish this nuisance is to pick them off by hand. You can also shake the plants and collect fallen beetles and larvae in newspaper below.

9. Viburnum beetle

This beetle likes to eat the foliage of some Viburnum species, especially V. tinus and V. opulus, resulting in severe plant damage. You'll see the signs when many holes appear in the leaves. The larvae are about in late April to June while the adult beetles cause destruction from July to August. To reduce numbers brush off the larvae.

10. Ants

Ants are prevalent in most gardens. Though they are not an official pest, they can be a nuisance to gardeners. Ant nests can cause damage to lawns and flower pots as small heaps of soil appear above surface. However, ants are best left alone, but you can brush away the soil heaps on a dry day.

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Rhs Fruit And Vegetable Gardening


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